Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

suhashini333 8月前 19

What they are, and what impact they have on your life.The Internet of Things, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence are no longer trends. They are present in our daily lives. We are facing Industry 4.0 and it is already impacting your life. The advancement of technology has led us to new forms of communication and consumption. And are you in? You can't stop learning, every day new concepts, new discoveries. Today we are going to share some concepts that guide not only the digital world, advertising and planning your business, but your life as a whole. Let's go? Internet of Things, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. If you already know these concepts, maybe we'll bring a new approach and new references. 

If you don't already know, don't worry, you are not and will not be the only one. We believe that the construction of learning is horizontal.So if you feel like sharing something with us, click on the WhatsApp button on the right of the screen and let's talk! Using digital tools in a planned way, understanding your consumer and using available data is necessary to survive the market. Crises have always existed and always Country Email List will exist. A businessman's day-to-day life is arduous. But, it can be lighter.We want to help you with this transition to digital! Let's look at some concepts together?  big data Big data is data with greater variety that arrives in increasing volumes and with ever-increasing velocity. This is known as the three Vs. Simply put, big data is a larger, more complex set of data, especially from new data sources.  You can find the definition on the Oracle website . 

The internet of things (IoT - English term for Internet of Things) Internet of things is a concept that refers to the digital interconnection of everyday objects with the internet, connecting objects more than people.In other words, the internet of things is nothing more than a network of physical objects capable of gathering and transmitting data. We brought a very comprehensive concept from   Wikipedia .Artificial Intelligence AI is defined here as a collection of computer-supported techniques emulating some capabilities of human beings.This collection includes: roblem solving Natural Language Understanding Vision and Robotics  Expert Systems and Knowledge Acquisition Knowledge Representation Methodologies We extracted the concept from material from GINAPE - Group of Informatics Applied to Education Overview of Artificial Intelligence What do these three concepts have to do with your business? The internet of things is now available to consumers in general and, if associated with Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, they can be allies in your business. Far beyond technological solutions, these three allied concepts have changed the way we live in society. From medicine to the field. From waiting for the bus to the trash that needs to be cleaned.

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