Neurodynamic programming: the new era of artificial intelligence

 We are fully immersed in a time of great development of artificial intelligence (AI) . The discovery of new applications and, above all, the possibility of materializing them has given new impetus to research in this field. As we have warned on previous occasions, there are certain theoretical and conceptual limits of AI that, until now, continue to establish a perfectly defined ceiling for the development of this type of solutions. However, and despite this, the advances experienced in some fields such as neurodynamic programming allow us to predict a radical change of paradigm, in this field, in the very near future. artificial_intelligence-1 Neurodynamic programming and its applications in artificial intelligence Neurodynamic programming is understood as the set of mechanisms of the human brain that activate a punishment and reward system to improve the level and possibilities of learning in certain situations , especially when performing complex tasks and activities. 

This has a very clear application in fields such as Business Intelligence, and more specifically in the development of predictive analytics tools which, based on the analysis of historical data, are capable of learning and anticipating proposals for taking advantage of new opportunities. in possible future scenarios. The main mission of the solutions India Part Time Job Seekers Phone Number List based on artificial intelligence developed so far was to support decision-making by providing sensitive and relevant data and information, capable of generating knowledge. But this generation of knowledge was outside their jurisdiction: that is, traditional BI tools allowed obtaining greater and better knowledge of the real state of processes, operations and key corporate activities, but they did not offer the possibility of managing this knowledge acquired by these same tools, since until now they were not capable of learning in a strict sense. As we said, and thanks to the spectacular advances in neurodynamic programming, today it is not only possible to think of intelligent tools capable of learning by themselves, but to a certain extent these are already a reality. 

Good proof of this is found in the latest generation predictive analytics tools , capable of designing what-if scenarios based on the data analyzed, and formulating proposals for making decisions about them based on an artificial learning model. consisting of imitating the neurodynamic programming of the human brain. Of course, key epistemological questions still remain to be answered, and issues related to, for example, the very nature of consciousness and its important role in the generation of knowledge remain to be resolved . For the moment, this is still part of the horizon of events typical of science fiction, but given what has been seen, it seems that the development of AI solutions knows no limits and it may be that in the not too distant future definitive answers to these will be found. matters of such importance . Until we can offer more news in this regard, and to deepen the knowledge of these predictive analysis tools, we recommend the guide Predictive analytics: the impact of prediction for an organization , a resource available completely free in the guides and ebooks section of this same blog.

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