5 tips to keep in mind when bathing your dog

 With the arrival of spring, you may have noticed that your dog has started to shed a little more hair. And the molting process is part of the adaptation of our pet's body to new weather conditions. On the other hand, with this season, the presence of insects and parasites in the environment increases, so the beginning of spring is the perfect time to give a good bath, deworm and worry, ultimately, about our dog's hygiene. . If it is your first time bathing your pet, we want to give you some tips to make this special moment for your pet relaxing and positive for both of you. And of course enjoy it to the fullest! 1. Make an effort to convey that bathing is a positive moment. At bath time, check on your dog. If it is the first time, it is normal for him to appear surprised when he sees the water or the bathtub. Calm him down and give him a treat during the bath, this way the dog will understand that it is a positive moment and it will give him confidence. Let him know that after the bath he will feel better. 2. Find out which products are best for him. Surely you have already sniffed around and have discovered a lot of pet washing products with very good references. 

When choosing one product or another, above all you must take into account what your dog's hair is like. Do not under any circumstances use the same product that you use for yourself; Dogs' skin has a completely different Ph than ours and the result of bathing with your gel or shampoo can be harmful to them. Also, if you have a puppy, it is interesting to opt Phone Lead for a specific shampoo for them. Likewise, if you have any questions about which product to choose based on your dog's characteristics, talk to your veterinarian and they will advise you perfectly. 3. Choose the right temperature. There are people who cannot conceive of a shower without the water being boiling and others who prefer it rather cold. In the case of dogs, there are no preferences, the water should always be warm, neither too cold nor too hot. Keep in mind that the usual temperature of dogs is 37-38 degrees, so if it is still a little cold, prepare the house by turning up the heating a little and, during the bath, control the temperature of the water so that they do not gets too cold. 4. Rinse it calmly and calmly. 

Both when shampooing and rinsing, you should do so gently and calmly. It is better that you have to repeat it several times than for the dog to get nervous and feel uncomfortable. Also make sure that you remove all the soap as otherwise it can cause damage to the skin. Additionally, you should pay special attention to the head and ear area so that water does not get into them. 5. All that's left to do is dry and brush! There are many dogs who find the dryer stressful, so before bathing, make sure you have a towel on hand and dry it gently after bathing if this is the case with yours. It is normal for it to start shaking and moving, but make sure to remove as much moisture as possible before leaving it to its own devices. When the dog is completely dry, brush it to remove any fallen hair and leave it soft and handsome. It is normal for him to immediately start rolling around wherever he wants, and no matter how hard we have tried to choose the smell of the soap, our dog is going to do everything possible to recover his own. So don't worry, he's not detracting from your work at all. That's it for our 5 tips for bathing your dog . Tell us what it was like the first time you bathed your dog, do you play together during the bath? Is it fun for you?

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